Monday, April 15, 2013

It’s official with 81 days left–I’m starting a box of things to bring to Africa. (AKA I’m starting to nest in anticipation like a pregnant woman awaiting a birth.) So far I have a list of things I think of to add to later (like my VISA and shot record that are hiding for safety in my fireproof safe) and other items, like my convertible plug and jar of cinnamon for our porridge oatmeal gruel mash are sitting there so I can rest my mind with the never ending list. 

Did I mention I am not a oatmeal person? I always imagine paper mache paste from school–cold and sticky with so many hands in it… ewww. I will try though, maybe I will be pleasantly surprised! I figure I can just swallow it without chewing and eat some of the delicious hyena sausage they might serve at breakfast instead. (I saw sausage on the You Tube videos and started to play guess the animal.) Wildboar? Ostrich? Gnu? Llama? Actually, I am looking forward to trying new foods. My sister says Ethiopia is supposed to have great bread. I told her our layover in the airport might not have the most fantastic choices of restaurants… I’ll just be happy when I do not see a McDonalds! (Unless they serve Gnu burgers and then I cannot make any promises.) LOL.

I have only tried beef and Bison... but if Gnu are anything
like elk burgers then I am one happy girl!

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Not a Safari...

Not a Safari...
The only Safari I've been on--it doesn't count. OMG--I'm doing the real thing soon--in the real country!